The HorrorHound Review can be found in the sold out issue #61
HorrorHound Issue #61
Review by Michelle Conty
Skip Shea's monster wasn't created as result of an accident with radiation. It wasn't caused by man's misuse of science, a voodoo curse or the bite of a mutant insect either. The monster in director Skip Shea's Trinity was real and all too familiar. I was prepared for a slasher, ready for blood splatter and a boogeyman but that's a different kind of horror. A maniac with an edged weapon that, despite the machete's wicked blade, is easier to watch than a twisted spirit-crusher wearing a clerical collar and sickening smile.
Trinity is a beautifully shot, masterfully crafted, and artfully directed portrait of the inner turmoil and private hell of the victims of sexual assault. A bravely open survivor of clergy sexual assault, Shea takes the viewer through a hallucinatory journey based on his own true story.
The main character Michael, turns from ordering a coffee to see the priest who abused him as a child. This chance encounter sets off a harrowing non-linear series of events that winds us through the rest of this psychological thriller.
During the next 90 minutes, the audience watches helplessly as Michael spirals into dissociation, hyper-awareness and flashbacks. The haunting music, crisp shots and masterful use of color hep convey the character's anguish, trauma, and psychological instability. Trinity is a well crafted on the abuse of power and the scars such abuse can leave on those who survive.